How to avoid students from cheating

There are some students who do not study for anything in school. As a result, the students cheat off of other students. Now, when the students are taking a test, what would be the best set up for the desks? And for the students that have cheated before, where would you place them in the classroom?

Solution #1
I would sit the students in rows to reduce the risk of students cheating on each other. Changing the seating arrangement to rows provides students with space and increases their focus since desks are faced towards the front of the classroom. Also, I would sit any student who has cheated before in the front row to keep proximity. I would also walk around the classroom to monitor every student taking their test. It is important to monitor the middle and back rows just as much as the front. This helps limit the likeliness of students from cheating if they know they are being monitored. Inform students if they are caught cheating, they will receive a zero as a grade for academic dishonesty.

I would have the classic seating desk however I would also suggest that you have like those cardboard walls up to prevent other students from cheating off of others. If you have caught some students cheating have them take the test at lunch or some time where it is just them and they can't cheat off anyone. Then if you do caught cheating tell them they will get a zero and a suspension.

Having up the cardboard privacy walls helps with cheating and I agree with having to walk around and monitor them at the same time. Keep a close eye on the ones you know do it the most.

Solution #2
I'd say changing up the seating chart would allow students to not sit next to someone they have previously. Make it random and in rows. It would help to have dividers out or you could have randomized answers/questions on the test, I find that this deters them for a while and rows allow you to walk through them and make sure students are trying genuinely on their test.
Solution #3
During testing, I would advise using cardboard separators to try and eliminate cheating. In addition, I would walk around the room the entire time and watch students while taking a test or quiz. You could also tell the class that you will be looking out for cheating so they are aware that you know what has been happening. Also, giving a consequence for when cheating happens also is important, whether that is they get a zero on the test or they need to retake it before or after school.
Solution #4
If your classroom has the space and extra desks, I would seat them in a checkerboard manner (ex. student...empty desk...student..etc), if not just rows. I would create at least 3 or 4 versions of the test and hand them out in a manner that students won't have the same test as those around. I would walk around too, stand directly in front of the first row, and then stand in the back of the classroom too. For the students you have caught cheating before I would sit them closest to you and if it continues, especially with the same people, I would give them a zero and call their parents.
Solution #5
The best way to set up the desks in the classroom is in rows so that the students all have distance. If you have students who have cheated in the past then the best place is to have them in the front closest to your desk so you can see them more easily.
Solution #6
I think that walking around the room is a great way to prevent this. Also maybe spreading the desires apart in a way that it would be very difficult for students ti cheat.
Solution #7
I like to use cardboard separators for students to prevent students from cheating. This also limits distractions around them while taking a test.
Solution #8
One solution is to put them in rows of 3-4. Each row is going to have the same questions but in different order. Another way is to put a cardboard between the desks and walk around the room to make sure the only materials out are the ones that are approved.
Solution #9
Set the desks up in rows and maybe try using cardboard separators. If the desks are already in rows maybe try re-arranging their assigned seats for the day of the test.
Solution #10
To prevent cheating during a test, the best desk setup is to space students out as much as possible. Consider arranging desks in rows or in a checkerboard pattern to minimize opportunities for students to see each other's work. If possible, use dividers or place students in individual desks facing forward. For students who have cheated before, it might be helpful to seat them in the front row or in a spot where you can closely monitor them throughout the test. Additionally, seating them away from friends they may be tempted to cheat off of can reduce the chances of cheating. Be sure to create an environment where the focus is on individual responsibility and consider having a conversation with those students before the test to remind them of expectations and the importance of honesty.