Not knowing what to say

There are days where sometimes the parents will ask you a question that is out of your control. You may know the answer to it or you may not. Now when dealing with that parent, what are the best things you can say to ease the conversation? And what is the best way you would answer the question?

Solution #1
A teacher should respond honestly with a parent and let them know the answer and/or solution to their question is not authorized by you. Instead, the parent(s) should be advised on who they can speak with that would be able to provide support with the situation. If you do not know who to recommend, I would advise telling them, you can look into it for them and provide them with a name of someone who they can reach out to at a later date. I would ask them if you could respond to them later by email or phone. Make sure to ask the parent(s) or guardian(s) their preferred choice of contact and the best times to reach them during the meeting. Teachers should keep in mind parents who are concerned about a situation or have a question are just looking out for their Childs best interests. It is important for teachers to build positive professional relationships with parents. A parent involved in their child's academics often supports their academic achievement too.
Solution #2
Just respond to the parent honestly by saying that you do not have the answer to that question right now but you will work towards finding out what the answer is.
Solution #3
I would try to answer their questions to the best of my ability, if it is something that I simply do not know how to answer, I would be very real with them and explain exactly that. Then I would tell them that I will get working on an answer to give them as soon as I can. And I will keep close contact with them until I can get them that response.
Solution #4
Now when dealing with that parent, what are the best things you can say to ease the conversation? And what is the best way you would answer the question? If a parent asks you a question out of your control, being honest may be the best policy. To help ease the conversation, let the parent know that it is out of your control and you cannot provide an answer to that question. The best way to answer a question like that may be to suggest someone who could answer the question or does know the answer to the question to the parent and provide them with contact information.