Conflict between students

Two students in my class seem to have some sort of issue that they just can't work out. It is starting to disrupt class and effect other students' learning. I am hesitant to intervene and cause a scene in the middle of class, so what should I do?

Solution #1
Depending on the age of the students, you could talk to them separately to find out what the problem is. It could be a misunderstanding, but with middle - and high schoolers, it could be more complicated like a love triangle or something that occurred at an extra activity (like sports). Once you have the cause of the problem you will most likely know how to intervene. Best case scenario, you can talk to both students at the same time, worst case scenario you rearrange seating and ensure these students are far apart and don't have to work together when group work is assigned. Definitely make it known that such behavior is unacceptable, just remember not to reprimand them in front of the entire class. Good luck!
Solution #2
I would create a new seating chart if one is already in place. If there is not one in place, I would explain to the students,the day before, that a new seating arrangement will be in place the following day. I would explain any procedures needed for find their new seats the next day and would of course, ensure that the students having the issue are not seated near each other.
Solution #3
You could wait until after class or in private and talk to them about how their conflict is interrupting your class time and is disrespectful to you.As well as hear them out because the situation could be severe. Then form a plan to deescalate the situation. This could be having them stay in their seats or changing their seating and observe if any progress is made. This way they are less inclined to cause a scene in the middle of class.
Solution #4
I would speak to both of them after class and let them know that they can't keep disrupting class. I would advise them to go speak with the guidance counselor. Seating them on opposite ends of the classroom and not assigning them to the same group work would help too.
Solution #5
To avoid disrupting the entire class talk to both students at a time that the other students are doing individual work. That way you can determine what the issue is between them and help provide them with solutions. If the issue does not get resolved warn them that you may need to get their parents involved and if that doesn't help then the administration may need to get involved.
Solution #6
Separate the seating, talk with both students separately, and see what you feel is the best route to take. If you believe switching the students' class schedule would make a positive difference, do so.
Solution #7
It's critical to resolve student disputes quickly in order to stop the learning environment from becoming even more disrupted. To learn the circumstances and provide assistance in resolving the issue, think about having a private conversation with each student. If needed, assist the students in resolving their disputes peacefully by mediating a discussion between them outside of class.
Solution #8
The first thing I would do is try to separate the students in the classroom to avoid any conflicts from happening. After class I would speak to each student to see why they are having a problem and see if there is possible solution to resolve the problem they might be having.

If I were you, I would talk with them each other to discuss what issues exist. If the issue is not a big problem, I will arrange a new seating chart and let them study in different team. If the issue is serious, I will think about talking with their parents to solve it.

Solution #9
For younger individuals, have separate discussions with each of them before allowing them to converse and find a solution together. However, for older individuals, speak to them individually and inquire if they wish to resolve the issue. If they choose not to, the only option is to remind them to behave in class or face dismissal.
Solution #10
I would take the two students out in to the hall or in private and speak to them of your expectations and also consequences if they do not follow. I feel like this should help the situation.