Caught in the crossfire of seperated parents

This is not a real situation, just something I've been wondering.
What is the best course of action when the parents of a student are contacting you and telling you two separate things, getting you involved in their conflict? How do you stay out of it while also involving them both in their child's academics?

Solution #1
I've had to deal with this also. I usually add them both to the class remind app or class email list and send out the same information to both of them. It's nearly impossible to make copies of everything for both parents so I usually just send home assignments in the binder at the end of the day. However, for holiday crafts, if I have time I try to make two (especially around Christmas time with pictures or handprints of the child). This is a sticky issue but the principal and VP usually have been through the worst kinds of divorced situations with students so they would be a great resource in navigating things. I would just teach to the student's ability and needs, not worry too much about what the parents are saying if they are two different things. Usually, the student will tell you the truth without you even asking.
Solution #2
This is not a real situation, just something I've been wondering. What is the best course of action when the parents of a student are contacting you and telling you two separate things, getting you involved in their conflict? How do you stay out of it while also involving them both in their child's academics? I believe that the best course of action for a situation like this would be to contact your higher up, the principal or assistant principal, and let them know exactly what is going on here. There may be a bigger and court ordered decision that we do not want to oversee. As well as contacting both parents back and letting them know that you will have to get back to them soon with a response as you wait for your higher up to work out a solution on which decision you must take and make.
Solution #3
In a situation like this, it’s important to remain neutral and focus on the child’s well-being and academic progress. You can acknowledge the parents’ concerns by listening empathetically but avoid getting caught up in their conflict. Address each parent’s concerns separately but always steer the conversation back to the child’s education. Encourage open communication between both parents and offer to facilitate a meeting where you can all discuss how to best support the student. Keep the focus on the child’s needs, and if necessary, involve a school counselor or administrator to help mediate the situation professionally.
Solution #4
I would say to remain neutral in the situation because leaning towards any side could pose an even bigger issue later on down the line