ELL student feeling excluded from classmates

How do you make sure an ELL is involved and collaborating with kids when they don't speak the same language? This isn't a real scenario but I'm worried this might happen when I become a teacher. How do you make sure the ELL student feels like they are a part of their community and wants to be involved in learning?

Solution #1
Culturally responsive teaching will help build a classroom community that values and embraces diversity. In most situations, there is at least one other student who speaks the same language as the EL. Using this as an advantage will help acclimate the EL into the learning environment. Using group work will help the EL build their social skills and English language proficiency. In the event that the EL is the only student who speaks that language, you can incorporate elements from their cultural background into your lessons and instruction to ensure that they feel represented and included. Technology is a great asset to support your ELL and you can consult your school's ESOL liaison to collaborate on ways to best support your ELLs academically and socially.