Students not grasping concepts

I recently observed a class where some of the students had a really hard time grasping what they were learning. They couldn't apply the method they were learning on their tests and it was reflected in their grades. What do you do when your class is having a really hard time understanding what you're teaching? How can you get them to understand?

Solution #1
I would ask the other teachers in the grade, usually the grade level teachers collaborate for lessons. So if none of the students in the grade level are understaning the lesson may need to be reevaluated. If it is just your students I would ask how the other teachers are teaching the lesson. Small group instruction may be helpful to see where each student is on comprehension.
Solution #2
If the class is having a hard time understanding what you are trying to teach you can try to take more time on the parts they seem to struggle with the most. If it is a few students who seem to struggle, pulling them to do groups while others are doing individual work will allow you to help them work through the content.
Solution #3
Foster interactive learning through group discussions, peer teaching, and collaborative projects. Encourage students to explain concepts to each other, which can reinforce their understanding.