How to deal with judgement from coworkers?

Second year teacher here. How do you handle coworkers who judge you and make rude comments about what you do in your classroom? I’ve had one teacher tell me I’m not meant to be a teacher & should quit and one who told one of my students that I’m a hard grader when I’m not. On the other hand students like me and have positive things to say about me. But what my coworkers say about me gets in my mind and it makes me feel like an awful teacher. It really hurts. How do you handle this? We teach high school.

Solution #1
If it is affecting your job then you should definitely address your colleagues about this and how it is affect your work. If it continues to become an issue, then take it to your boss, such a your principal for immediate action. It is uncalled for, that to be happening, and I wish you the best.
Solution #2
Keep your head high, and essentially kill them with kindness. If your students who see you every day say you are a good teacher, listen to them, whereas co workers who aren't in your class, their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. It is easier said than done and if you feel that their opinions continue to hurt too much and affect your job, talk to them about it. if it continues, go to your boss to figure out another solution.
Solution #3
It might be difficult to deal with criticism from colleagues, but it's crucial to keep in mind that their views do not determine your value as an educator. Pay attention to the compliments you get from students and the difference you're making in their lives. Think about politely and assertively bringing up any issues you may have with your coworkers, explaining how their remarks affect you and asking for clarity or a solution.
Solution #4
Keep your head high, and essentially kill them with kindness. If your students who see you every day say you are a good teacher, listen to them, whereas co workers who aren't in your class, their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. It is easier said than done and if you feel that their opinions continue to hurt too much and affect your job, talk to them about it. if it continues, go to your boss to figure out another solution. ^my response but won't let me log back in.
Solution #5
Do not listen to your colleagues as they are not in the classroom with you at all times. What the students say about you is more important in my opinion. Try not to let it affect you, but if it is consistent I would maybe talk to the principal or a higher up who could help you.
Solution #6
Listen to your colleagues and ask yourself, do you agree/disagree? Also, do they truly know what happens in your classroom? Your teaching will reflect through the students.
Solution #7
I feel as though when this happens, you need to talk to a higher up individual in your school and possibly ask them to sit in on some of your lessons. Of course we should always take what others say with a grain of salt, but if you believe it could possibly be a real issue and that they could possibly be right, then you should act on it and ask for that extra help.
Solution #8
Stay confident in your approach, focus on student success, and address rude comments calmly. Seek support from trusted colleagues or mentors.