Not sitting appropriately

What do I do with a 5th grade student who is constantly out of his seat, putting his feet in the aisle, and stretching across his chair rather than sitting in it?

Solution #1
Many students need the stimulation of moving around their seats to release energy or stay focused. If this student is performing well academically, I would simply exlpain that putting his feet in the aisle or stretch is dangerous to him and other students. I have seen teachers put large rubber bands on the chair legs so that the students can be stimulated by bouncing their feet on the rubber band without disturbing other children. You may want to try this if the student is not performing well academically because this may help them focus.

I've seen this done in VE Resource rooms and the students do in the end perform better with keeping their chairs on the floor and the feet being able to move without getting crazy.

Solution #2
When students are out of their seat it encourages others to do the same. So the first thing is to intervene and make it apparent to the student that his posture is inappropriate and to stay in his seat and sit up. If this doesn't work, let the students know that if they need a minute or two to step away from their desk they can ask to move to the relaxation center in the classroom to stretch their legs out and walk away from their desk. This can only be accomplished on the other hand if they show that they have been on task and have had good behavior throughout the day. This is a priviege for staying on task not a reward for being able to sit still.
Solution #3
Perhaps maybe when you can tell that he is getting out of hand, you could have all the students stand and do a few TPR activites. For example, have the students stand and stand on one foot, or raise their left arm. This will get the students up for a second and perhaps the student will look forward to this small activity and won't act up as much.
Solution #4
The teacher could suggest that the student could sit on a yoga ball. Another solution would be to put rubber bands around the the bottom of the chair legs that the student could move with his feet while he is sitting in the chair.
Solution #5
There are many different ways that you can take care of this issue. One of my favorites is allowing a student to sit on a yoga ball. This gives them the opportunity to move without getting up. You can also give the student the option to move between two or three different chairs in the back of the classroom. This keeps it from being distracting and the student will most likely be able to focus more. You can also limit how many times the student can actually move between those seats.
Solution #6
As I learned in my health class, you can give the student a medicine ball as a seat. This allows them to get their energy out without getting up. Be sure to explain the rules like no rolling or bouncing.
Solution #7
I would remind the student what is the classroom policy about properly sitting in your seat and keep the student accountable by giving consequences to the student for not sitting properly in their seat.

Good solution.

Solution #8
I would have this student have some type of job in your classroom. This way he can be up and moving various times during the day. I also would contact the parent to see if they had any ideas or thoughts of what could help. I know this option is a bit extreme, but there are desks that have swinging foot rests in order for the students to keep their feet moving. This option might help this student, but you would need to ask your administration.