Rushing to leave

What I dislike the most is when students pack up their book bags before class is even over in anticipation of the end-of-period bell. What can I do to stop that?

Solution #1
I would have the students place their book bags against a wall by the door and not by their desk. This way they have to get permission to go to their bag to be able to pack up to go.

I like this idea like it is in lower grade levels, where the backpacks have their own area away from the students. They can still go access it if need be but they can't grab it until the teacher says to do so.

Solution #2
Simply make it a set rule that no one can pack up until they are told to do so. If they don't follow instruction maybe say that will be last to be dismissed. Student's don't want to be last to leave so therefore they should listen.
Solution #3
One easy solution is plan for an activity at the end of class to keep the students engaged until the bell rings. As an aspiring math teacher, an activity I would use is to provide some problems for the students to work on or allow them to begin their homework. This way I would be available to answer any immediate questions on new material, and the students would be busy until the bell rings.

Good solution, I had a teacher once that would keep us extra time in recess the next day if we put things away early.

Good solution. Keeping the student's busy and engaged would stop them packing up early. I also think that talking about the issue on the first day would be helpful.

Solution #4
A solution to your problem could be to have the students's book bags not in their reach. What I mean by that is have tubs, or bins for the students to place their book bags in at the beginning of class. In my internship my teacher allowed the students to unpack their belongings in the morning so they did not need to go into their book bags throughout the day. At the end of the day the students had to wait to get their book bags before they could pack up.
Solution #5
Have a place they put their bags away from them. Have them work until it's time to pack up then call hem to go get their things.
Solution #6
to keep students from packing their backpacks prior to class being over is to have a clear rule that backpacks will be packed only after the direction of the teacher. If a student breaks the rule they are made to be the last person to leave the classroom.
Solution #7
A solution to your problem could be to have the students's book bags not in their reach. What I mean by that is have tubs, or bins for the students to place their book bags in at the beginning of class. In my internship my teacher allowed the students to unpack their belongings in the morning so they did not need to go into their book bags throughout the day. At the end of the day the students had to wait to get their book bags before they could pack up.
Solution #8
Have the students doing work right up until the bell rings, maybe 5 minutes before, this way they will be doing something. If that doesn't work, give each student a job that has to do with tidying up the classroom, then they can pack up.
Solution #9
You can discipline students who start to pack up before the bell.
Solution #10
The easiest thing to do is have a bell procedure. An example is that when the bell rings or a bus is called, you are the one that dismisses the students after they have been called. Then when you decide you are done with your lesson or the first bell has rung, students pack their things and sit quietly on the carpet. During their time on the carpet you can do a quick fun activity like mad libs or riddles.
Solution #11
The easiest thing to do is have a bell procedure. An example is that when the bell rings or a bus is called, you are the one that dismisses the students after they have been called. Then when you decide you are done with your lesson or the first bell has rung, students pack their things and sit quietly on the carpet. During their time on the carpet you can do a quick fun activity like mad libs or riddles.
Solution #12
This bothers me in any classroom atmosphere no matter what age group. In my class to reduce the packing up their backpacks I would have them out of reach like in their cubbies so it wouldnt even be possible. But if cubbies aren't an option in an older classroom I would have an end of the day activity. Like a riddle or something that the students would have to solve the last 10 minutes of class. Once the activity is solved they may pack up. But if any student is to pack up before their activity is completed they will recieve a 0 on their "End of the Day Riddle" for that day.
Solution #13
As the teacher, I would try to understand that no one really wants to be in a class longer than they must. I do not have an issue with students packing and waiting for the bell as long as they are not disrupting their classmates or interrupting me. If the class happens to finish their daily coursework prior to the end of the class, it should be okay for student to prepare to leave. It would only be an issue if the students are packing while I am giving a lesson or while others are still working on their in-class assignments. In this case, I would inform the class that whoever packs their bags before the bell will be the last to leave.
Solution #14
Find a time towards the end of the day, but when there is still plenty of time for a lesson to have students pack their bags and put them where they are easily accessible right after the bell rings. The activities planned after students pack up should not require any equipment that students need to put away or take home. This way, students have no reason not to work right up to the bell.
Solution #15
I would make sure that there is a rule posted that there is no packing up their backpacks until instructed to do so. Once I give the okay to pack-up the students will remain seated until I excuse them. If students begin to pack-up before instructed to do so, they will be last to leave and will have to stay to help clean up anything that is left on floor or to clean any part of the classroom needed.
Solution #16
I would have my students keep their supplies in class.They would have class binders and a place for each supply. This would eliminate roaming and disruptive behavior until the bell rang.
Solution #17
If I was in your position, I would probably have all of the students place their backpacks in a tub or bin at the beginning of each day after they have gotten themselves ready for the day. If a tub is not available, maybe the students could keep there backpacks on coat hangers or keep them in one specific area of the classroom. You also should make an announcement on the first day of class about how everyone will work till the bell sounds or until class is over. You can continue the reminder as need be throughout the year.
Solution #18
Tell them each time they interrupt your classroom by packing up before the bell, they will owe you that time in detention. "If you waste my time, I will waste yours."
Solution #19
I would keep them for one minute after the bell rang. There are always at least 4 minutes inbetween classes som let them lose one and have to rush and not be able to do all the socializing inbetween classes. They will stopm every soon after that because no student wants to miss out on that socializing.

I do not agree with this solution. I don't think keeping the students after class time is a good idea because I believe they really need the time in between classes to get to class, and get prepared for their lessons.