Too much television and internet

It seems to me that my 6th graders watch too much television and spend too much time "surfing the Net". Is there anything I can do about this?

Solution #1
I would do a home fun activity about effective use of time. I would have the students track everything they do at home for one week. They are to keep track of the time they spend on everything they do. Hopefully this will show them how much of their day they are wasting on TV and the internet.
Solution #2
6th grade students are old enough to understand that spending too much time watching TV and surfing the internet is unhealthy for them. It is hard for a teacher to have control over this, but you can try to be a positive influence for them. I would also give my students an assignment where they have to record how much time they spend watching TV and on the internet for 2 weeks. This would show them how much time they are wasting and hopefully influence them to spend their time more wisely. You could also set up some sort of incentive where if the students limit their time on the TV and internet and spend more time reading or playing outside, they could have a reward at school (free homework pass, extra recess, or more free time).

I more or so agree with the last part, I feel recording how much time they spend will more or so encourage them to spend more time on the internet or watching tv. I would even go as far as making homework assignments necessary to go outside (like a scavenger hunt where they need to collect a leaf, rock, etc.) or do some sort of exercise, make an exercise video expressing why it is important.

Solution #3
Prohibiting students to watch television or surf the internet will be an impossible task, but limiting their opportunities to watch television or surf the internet is an option. As a teacher, one can find out what interest the students and sponsor a club or set up an after school activity for the students.
Solution #4
I would encourage the students to read more and to find something that is going to stimulate their minds. In my internships, I have found that assigning students to read and to record what they have read is a great way to have students spend more time in books and not surfing the wed and watching TV. Once you have found something that has sparked the students interest in reading, they will find other books that will have them enjoy reading. I would send home letters to parents to help encourage their child to read or watch something that is at least educational.
Solution #5
Children are going to do what ever they can get away with. I would try to solve this problem by talking with the parents. I would not want the parents to feel attacked but explaining to all parents will help them feel less singled out. Talking about the importance of reading or playing outside. I would also explain to parents the dangers of too much tv and internet. Having a workshop or sending a letter home that offers alternitive ideas and reasons why they are good, or better then all tv and internet.
Solution #6
This is a very sensitive issue because as the teacher your control over students stops as they leave school. I would send home newsletters to the families to remind them of what is happening in class and ideas to help promote family involvement that is different from the internet or TV.
Solution #7
Unfortunately, as teachers, we cannot control what happens after students leave our classroom. What we can do is serve as good role models and try to encourage them to participate in meaningful activities at home. For example, if students love to play games on the computer, show them a variety of websites in class that are educational or positive in nature. There are also great shows on TV that can be educational such as the History or Discovery channel. For the upper grades, a teacher can offer extra credit or assignments that include shows where students can actually learn something educational or positive.

I agree with you.

Solution #8
give me a project to enquires their interest. For example, have them watch a history show or something to help them learn at the same time. Or have the research on the internet. Typically, if they are on the computer or tv for education purposes, whenever they are finished, they are too tired to stay up and do anything for on those devices.
Solution #9
Turn the problem into a resource. If you feel that your students are watching too much TV or spending too much time surfing the net, have them use this time constructively. Since you cannot change their habits at home, have them write a report about why they like a given show or write something about an entertaining website they found.
Solution #10
Unless your students are watching too much television and surfing the internet in class, I do not see why this is a concern of yours. If you have proof that this is interfering with your students work and they are not turning in their homework because they are spending too much time in front of the T.V. or computer, then there is reason to contact their parents and let them know that their child is not participating the work you send home. Otherwise, there is really nothing you can do to stop students from watching T.V. and going online while they are home; we are in the 21st century and this will only become more prevalent.
Solution #11
I would start sending homework home that requires the students to get out of the house such as looking at leaves or observing animals. Also, activities that promote family involvement are great for these situations. Also, you could suggest activities in class that the students can do at home.
Solution #12
There are many ways to solve this, I think a fun way to address this situation is to do a fun activity. Make it over the course of a month and whenever a student spends less than 2 hours at home the parent signs a ticket. Then a certain number of tickets will result in certain prizes.
Solution #13
I would assign "homework" such as spend 15 minutes outside, help a family member prepare dinner, or play a game with your family.
Solution #14
Too much television and internet is subjective. If it isn't affecting their performance in school than it is not the responsibility of the teacher.