
With information so easily available on the Internet, how do I discourage and prevent plagiarism by my 6th graders

Solution #1
Plagirism is something that my students will be faced with everyday. So I will be sure to have a mini lesson with handouts that shows examples of Plagirism, ways to cite their sources, and ways to paraphrase. This will also give me the opportunity to introduce technologies that allow students to upload their papers and it will be searched for Plagirism. This will give students a hands on experience of how Plagirism actually happens and how easy it is. But I will also go over the zero tolerance rule, the consequences and possible penalties in their schooling career.

I think showing them how they can do it, how they can prevent it, and the consequences of doing it is the best way to prevent it.

Solution #2
I recommend that you make sure students are aware of this policy, outlined in the instructions, when you hand them the assignment. Depending on the grade, I recommend that you speak with the student individually, remind them of their behavior, and offer them another opportunity to express what they know, without plagiarizing. If the problem persist, I recommend you contact the parents so they are aware of why their student earned a Zero on the assignment.
Solution #3
Explain to them the zero tolerance rule. You can run their work through a program like safe assign to see how much of their work is taken from the Internet. Explain to them how serious the consequences are if they do plagarize.
Solution #4
I feel that you should encourage students' to use multiple resources for research assignments. However, you should teach how to cite sources and how to paraphrase. Extensive instruction should be done on how to use resources in their writing. You should create a classroom culture where honesty is rewards and that writing is exciting. There are plagiarism detection technologies online.
Solution #5
Depending on the grade level that you are teaching, I would go over the importance of not plagiarizing and have a unit on how to paraphrase information where you are taking information and putting it into your own words. You could teach the students the importance of paraphrasing and how it can apply to their lives as they move on to become high school students and college students.
Solution #6
Explain to them that plagirism is not acceptable and you could be failed because of it. I would provide mini lessons on how to used the internet appropriately and make visits to the library on how to properly search for a book. I want to give them options on how to gather information and use other resources besides the internet. I do know that there are plagirism programs where the students submit their papers to this program and it then checks for plagirism. If need be, you can always use a program like this to double check that your students are not plagirising.
Solution #7
I would inform the students about plagirism in the event that they don't know what it is. I would then have the students only submit an electronic copy so it can be turned in through turn it in .com
Solution #8
In addition to teaching lessons based on plagerism, you could have your students submit their assignments online to a website that searches for plagerism throughout a document. I know that there are lots of free websites out there that are available.
Solution #9
There are programs that teachers can use to prevent and catch plagiarism that is taking place. To use the program, the students will submit there work on the specified website and it will be able to monitor the students' work and will catch areas that were not written by the student and were taken from a source. One example of this type of website is called Turn It In ( Using this system, teachers will be able to easily check work for plagiarism.
Solution #10
If the class had a point system I would have the students pay a fine in points if they get caught plagiarizing just like in the real world when adults have to pay for plagiarism. I would also give the student a zero. The zero would already be expected because a school rule is no plagiarism.
Solution #11
Ask the students for their personal thoughts. This will discourage the students from searching the internet for an answer.