What rewards do you use?

I'm looking to add some rewards to my reward box. I teach four different grades (5-8) and normally give 3 rewards per grade every two weeks. The most popular rewards are extra point on a test/quiz, one day extension for homework, and school supplies like pens, pencils, erasers. Does anyone use anything else that would be inexpensive to completely free?

Solution #1
In my classroom (middle grades), my students enjoy earning rewards. The two most popular rewards are music time and bathroom passes. Music time is a written pass that is given to the students. This pass can only be used in my classroom during independent work. If the student wishes, he/she may redeem the pass and they are allowed to listen to music on their device only for the period of time during the independent work. The students are only given 4 bathroom passes per semester in their agenda book. Once these passes are exhausted, they must 'earn' more. As a reward, I offer a bathroom pass that can be stapled to their agenda book. While I understand these two options may not be feasible in an elementary classroom, the students could possibly work to earn 'free-time' or 'free-choice' during centers. Computer time is another solution that could work and allow the students to remain in the learning environment.

I agree with this solution. I had a teacher would that award us with music time while we worked on assignments. I always found this to be a fun prize to work towards! Another upside, as you said, it is completely free.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #2
Some rewards that are popular within the classroom for those grade levels are computer time or sit by a buddy during class or projects. Students enjoy having free moments on the computer where they can play a game related to content. Students would also enjoy being able to sit by a friend during the day or class period as a reward. This would be motivating for students to work towards, and would be completely free.

I agree with this case study. I will utilize this information once I become a teacher. I enjoyed reading this idea.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #3
I have used homework passes in the past or agenda passes. These passes are good for students who forget to fill out their agenda or get it signed. If they have a pass, they do not lose recess for the day. Another reward I have used before is a recess pass. They can use it to earn back minutes that they might have lost throughout the day. Hope these help!

I love this idea!. Or I would make coupons that you can redeem for homework pass, bring a special stuffed animal, computer time, lunch with teacher, etc. I would allow them to choose from a binder and make them sound very special.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #4
I have coupons in my classroom that do not require me to spend any money. One popular one is "roll away." The students turn in their coupon and are able to sit at my desk in the rolling teacher chair. I clear my desk off to ensure that they can not see any grades and close my laptop just in case. On Friday, we take multiple tests in 2nd grade and students love to trade in their coupon during that time.

This is a great solution, especially for younger grades. Sitting at the teachers desk sounds like a fun activity that I had never thought of before!

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #5
Depending on your school's hat policy, you could allow a student to wear a hat in your room for the day. Students will have a chance to express their "hat style" without costing you a cent.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #6
One reward that I use in my room is to allow students to go to the library to work independently on an activity. Sometimes students want to be left alone to complete their work and not be in a classroom. I have also allowed my students to work in the hallway outside the door. I have also given passes to allow students time to play educational games on a classroom Ipad that I have.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #7
I use choose your seat rewards where they can move for a set time period. My students also enjoy changing their lunch seat, eating with a friend on stage, and eating in the classroom. For extra time, we have 15 minute iPad passes, computer passes, and recess dance passes where we use to dance during recess.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #8
I would suggest looking on Pinterest. There is a plethora of great ideas there!!! Also, my students have been really excited this year about picking a book to read aloud to the class.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #9
I use some of the same rewards as others. In addition, I use computer time, edibles, and free time during class. My students are served in a special education setting, so I get a little more freedom with my schedule. Most of my students have a token board, so they earn tokens every so often (depends on the students needs) and then can "cash" them in for their preferred activity.
Solution #10
I think that some rewards that you could use for middle school students would be: give them a special treat, write encouraging notes, and give them the opportunity to earn 10 minutes on their cellphone on Fridays if they have a consistent good behavior during the entire week.
Solution #11
I have seen punch cards used as a reward system. The teacher had reward options for a certain number of points/punches on their punch card. Her rewards were a treasure box, sit by a friend, shoeless for the class, class helper for the week, eat lunch with the teacher, sit by a friend day, wear a goofy hat day, and so on. Look on Pinterest; you can find free printable copies of punch cards as well as reward ideas.
Solution #12
A fun reward that will help students later on with their interests and associating certain things with positive feelings is giving people reading passes. Students will be able to read their favorite book in place of homework time.
Solution #13
I like to use art time passes. I allow students time to create art with various art supplies to reward them. Another reward I tried was lunch with the teacher. For this reward the student turns in the voucher, and I will sit by them at lunch. To my surprise, this is one of the most popular rewards!

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #14
Gatorade or Poweraide! I do not know why but my students go crazy for sports drinks when we do our auctions with our token economy money the will get into fierce bidding competitions over the drinks. They can be purchased for less than a dollar for a 32 oz. bottle at many places.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.