Assignments with a classic novel

I have my advanced 7th grade students read a classic novel of their choice. I am looking for an assignment that will demonstrate that they read the book. Something creative would be great. I could give 2-3 or maybe 4 class periods for this and would like it to be done in class. If it could be something that isn't too challenging, also if they could work in partners (many read the same books) that would be great.

Solution #1
After reading the classic novel, students could create graffiti boards that reenact scenes from within the book. Students could be creative, and turn a long sheet of bulletin board paper, or fabric into a work of "book art". Students could work in a group to create the graffiti using paints, watercolors, or markers. Students could also create 3-D objects that would enhance the visual. This could then be displayed within the hallways for other students to look at, and get a glimpse of the book through art.
Solution #2
Oh I love classic novels and creative choices to demonstrate their reading the book. One creative choice would be to have them pair up and act out a portion of the book. Another choice would be to have one student be the reporter and "interview" the main character from the book. The questions that they create should cover the entire book, so each answer given would complete the book. Lastly, the students could select up to 10 items that would represent different parts of the book. Then each student could give an oral report based on pulling those 10 things out one at a time telling how each represent the story.

I lvoe the idea about pulling ten items from the book or the interview/reporter assignment.

This is a great idea, and one that I would like to borrow.

Solution #3
My suggestion revolves around understanding the novel and allowing students to come up with a project that fits the book. For example a colleague of mine allowed all four of her classes to create a quilt square for a class novel they were reading. At the end of the unit the four classes put their squares together and put it up for auction at a school fundraiser. I also recommend Wordle as a creative activity to showcase themes within your classic novel. An Art Gallery at then end of your unit for all of your classes to see would be great as well.
Solution #4
I teach Language Arts, so I am always looking for way to test content and comprehension in new and different ways. Rather then always a "test," I allow students to give book talks. They give an oral presentation of their choice where they include a visual aid. The visual aid can be a poster, a diorama, or an electronic artifact. The students have a rubric to follow. Another thing I recently started doing was to have students create their own book trailers that they write and record. We show these in class via the Smart Board. I also allow students to create an electronic book report using PowerPoint, Glogster, or Prezi. Glogster has to be shown on their own device (iPad) as it is blocked by our server because of its blog feature. It is a great resource, but difficult to manage; therefore, it isn't used quite as often. Finally I allow students to select a dramatic scene from their novel and act it out for the class. They have act give all of the necessary background before the action begins. These things encourage and offer an outlet for creativity.
Solution #5
You could have students create a movie with a script based on the book and act out different parts of the book. They could modernize the text and have them solve the major problem of the book. You could give them a rubric to state requirements of the book so they know what they should be doing. You could also hold a debate or have a discussion regarding the book. The book likely has opposing sides and you could ask students if they would do the same thing as the character, was it right, or what they would have changed.