Homework as Qualifying

Ms. McDonald's classroom is very diverse. She realizes that her learners return home to very different environments and levels of support for their homework and she has decided it is as unfair to continue to expect the same level of quality from kids who live in stressful circumstances as it is to assume ‘deep understanding' from kids who live in homes with over involved parents willing to provide the right answers. Because she believes in ‘practice,' Ms. McDonald assigns homework each day. What could Ms. McDonald do to support her students learning needs and still grade her students' homeworks?

Solution #1
A possible solution that Ms. McDonald could incorporate is to offer a completion grade for the homework assignments. During the warm-up period of the lesson, Ms. McDonald should call for questions relating to the homework and the students could discuss issues or problems faced when completing the work.

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Solution #2
Where as this solution may be more work for Ms. McDonald however it would benefit the students. Give the students with different home lives a different, yet similar assignment. If her county is one that uses My Big Campus, this is a great online tool to help with this type of differentiation.