How do you grade work that is completed with assistance

I have a couple of students this year who need extensive assistance when completing work. Of course, everything comes out perfect because I or the para or the Resource teacher have corrected the work as they went along. I don't feel that giving them a 100 is appropriate...but what is an appropriate grade. Our district does not have a policy on this, so I'm at a loss as to what to do.

Solution #1
Work that is completed with assistance should be graded on student participation and involvement during the assistance. For instance, if a student is receiving help with a math sheet and they sit back in their chair with no interest as the para or teacher does the work they will not receive credit. However, if the student is engaged and working through the problem with the para or teacher they should receive credit based on their attempt.
Solution #2
Last year I had a student with special needs. His IEP stated that all assessments must be read to him and given in a small group. I always read each question multiple times and then prompted him with questions to aid in his thought process. Many times he would still not do well even with extensive assistance. I always wrote at the top of his papers that it was completed with ___________ (lots, some, or little) assistance. This showed his parents what he was capable of with a given amount of help. On his report card I noted that he was working below grade level so that any average would not be misleading to his parents or future teacher.