How do you utilize peer grading/review/assessment, etc.

I love the use of peer assessment. I especially use it for things that would take me forever to grade. This year I'm going to be attempting to use it for lab reports. Last year, grading lab reports was extremely difficult, because I would need to collect all of their notebooks. I couldn't take them home because there were too many, and they were generally difficult to read through especially if they were disorganized or in poor handwriting. Teachers who have used lab notebooks for years have told me that it takes them 3 weeks to get through grading theirs and then by that time they have more lab reports to grade. How do you feel about peer grading? If you use it, how do you use it in your class?

Solution #1
Peer grading only works if it is modeled and if you choose who they grade. It is easier to grade a lab report for someone you don't know then your best friend in class. It might be a good idea to have examples up of excellent lab reports so they know how to organize everything. If handwriting is a problem maybe allow the use of tablets etc in class so students can type their lab reports. Students can peer edit their lab reports and have a chance to correct them before they give them to you. This will save time and allow students to learn from each other instead of just grading each other.
Solution #2
When I use peer grading in my class, I always make sure to have a very simple rubric or checklist to facilitate the process. I have found that if students have something to guide the process they do a much better job and are more structured with the process. Additionally, I make sure to have a comment section so that they can add their thoughts with respect to concerns and praise.
Solution #3
I have used Peer Grading in class before, but for smaller assignments. For larger assignments, it might be best for you to have classes grade different classes lab reports. Many times students in the same class form a stronger bond by being with each other. If you have students in other classes peer grade other classes lab reports, you are more likely to get a true grade. The peer grading system will definitely save time and allow you more time to plan for student learning.