Algebra I and using calculator

Marco is a high school student who does not receive special education or Section 504 services. In his Algebra I class, Marco often makes mistakes when multiplying or dividing large numbers with decimals. When Marco uses a calculator, he arrives at the correct answer.
Are there other ways to address this student's need?

Solution #1
One on one and before or after school tutoring would be a wonderful way to work with Marco with multiplying and dividing large numbers. Teaching strategies where Marco focuses on one number at a time should help improve the weakness when multiplying. It is important for the student to learn the process of multiplying and dividing larger numbers, but having him check his work with the calculator is helpful also.
Solution #2
I feel like most, that modifications are not specific to students who receive supportive services. Our job is to help students learn and if that takes a calculator then the student should have it, especially considering the calculator only simplified steps to the standard not altering the standard.
Solution #3
I feel regardless of not receiving services through special education or a 504 plan the teacher should give the calculator. As a math special education teacher I feel that on assessment you are judging the process of coming to an answer and not the calculations. If the student can complete the task successfully with a calculator then he has mastered the task. No where in a math standard does it state the students have to complete the math task by hand without the use of a calculator.
Solution #4
Calculators were created for skilled and non-skilled individuals to compute math. All students can benefit from low-tech assistive technology. Any resource available to students can only enhance learning. After all, Algebra in college requires the use of calculators.

I agree with this case study. I will utilize this information once I become a teacher. I enjoyed reading this idea.