The victim's front teeth are knocked out.

You teach in a large inner-city elementary school that has experienced many problems often associated with urban blight. Gangs, smoking, alcohol and drugs, sexual harassment, and chronic absenteeism are already a fixture for these children. In an effort to create a safe learning environment, the district has implemented a zero-tolerance policy. In front of your classroom, a sixth grade boy starts an unprovoked fight with another boy. The victim's front teeth are knocked out. An entire classroom of students and the teacher witness the event. Upon hearing of the assault, the principal immediately suspends the boy for two weeks. He then calls the parents and demands to have the 12 year-old perpetrator removed from the building immediately. Are the principal's actions correct?

Solution #1
The principal's actions are justified being that the district has implemented a zero-tolerance policy. I do feel if the victim hit the perpetrator in defense, he should too be disciplined. Being that there was an injury, there should be some type of legal repercussions as well. When I was in school, there was an automatic ten day suspension for all students involved in fighting. We were not allowed to make up any of the assignments we missed. Fighting disrupts the learning environment, and the consequences should be grave to decrease their occurrences.
Solution #2
The principals actions were absolutely justified. The student caused bodily harm to another student and with the zero-tolerance policy the suspension was right. I also see the principal acting in the right way when they had the student removed from the school because he is a danger to other students and faculty and the most important thing is to keep the students and teachers safe in the school.
Solution #3
I do not feel zero-tolerance policies are beneficial to any student. Suspensions lead to chronic discipline problem and research indicates elementary school suspensions lead to higher drop out rates. I understand the student is trying to create a safe environment for all students. I would encourage a way to teach appropriate behaviors; we can't assume students 'know' what appropriate behaviors. I would also incorporate positive reinforcements for students. While these are will not create instant success, over time they will make a difference.
Solution #4
I feel like legally he did the right thing, however morally not. I think there should have been a sit down with the two kids and discuss with more than Just the principle present. Then, afterwards have the parents come in separate.
Solution #5
I feel that the principals actions are exactly what should be done. I do feel that out of school suspension might not be the best as if the students is living in a rough area then the student will not se the dicipline in the suspension and may see it as a vacation from school. I feel something else should be put in place besides out of school suspsension or In school suspension like a work program or something to subsitute for the missed schooling but also be a punishment as it is supposed to be.