The parents of the injured student sued the teacher.

One particular fourth grade teacher is a favorite of the school's students and their parents because she is actively involved with the students during the school day. While on recess duty, this particular teacher always makes it a point to participate with the children in the games that they play. During a kickball game at a 15 minute recess, while the teacher was rolling the ball to the batter, a fight broke out between two students who were not playing the game. One of these student suffered injuries. The parents of the injured student sued the teacher and the school for negligence. They content that the teacher was not properly supervising the children's activities during recess. Do you agree or disagree with the parent's view?

Solution #1
I feel like the parents make a good point that the teacher really should make it a point to keep an eye on every child that they have in class. That being said you have about 17 students in your presence at any time, making sure all 17 or more of them are doing what they are supposed to is hard. This teacher may want to rethink playing with the other students, or making all of the students play too that way they can watch them all carefully.
Solution #2
The parents have the right to be upset that their child got injured due to a teacher's lack of supervision, but this incident should just prove to be a learning experience for everyone involved. From the two students, to the teacher and the parents, everyone will be more aware of the situation and prevent it from happening again.
Solution #3
I agree with the paarents feeling that the teacher was not acitvitly supervisioring but i also feel there should have been more then one teacher outside seeing as most classes go out together. That is a very rough situation.
Solution #4
Wow this is a learning experience for me as a new teacher. Thank you for sharing this situation.