On-line holiday shopping

During your planning period you have just finished grading homework and entering all of your grades into the computer grading program and have time left. You use the remaining time to do some on-line holiday shopping. Were any code of ethics principles violated?

Solution #1
Top Solution
There is a question of your morality using the time you are being paid for to complete a personal transaction. You should be aware that your IT department can monitor everything that comes across your computer and reports back to administration. You should expect to be spoken to with a warning from your principals if they are unhappy with the situation. You should act professionally at all times. Georgia standard (j)10 could possibly cover this situation.

I agree with this.

Solution #2
I believe a code of ethics was violated because you are using school property to use for your own personal needs. Your school computer should only be used for lessons, grading, and school emails.
Solution #3
I feel code of ethics were violated because your are at work and being paid to do work related tasks.

This reminds me of the personal time and money spent by teachers on the classroom and lesson plans that are not reimbursed and seems to counter the argument that it is unethical.

Solution #4
I find it almost impossible that the teacher had absolutely no school related business to take care of in the remaining moments of the planning period, but if this were true, I would see no problem in quickly submitting an online order if the teacher's personal cell phone or ipad was used. The case study said that the teacher had completed all of her responsibilities for her planning period and an online order can take as little as 2 minutes which seems insignificant so long as the teacher is productive, efficient, and effective the remaining hours in the classroom. Teachers spend countless hours grading papers, preparing lessons, etc "off the clock" and spend hundreds of dollars out of their own paychecks for school supplies that this seems like a very small offense.
Solution #5
Yes, a code of ethics is violated because it would be taking advantage of your work environment.
Solution #6
I believe that the code of ethics was violated. You are essentially stealing time from your place of employment. You can also be putting your students information at risk by using the computer you use for grade input. All someone needs to do is hack their information and they are vulnerable.