Member of a civic group, church, or organization

You are a member of a civic group, church, or organization, and you are asked to speak representing that group on a controversial matter. You were introduced as a teacher at John Doe High School. When you spoke, you again referred to yourself as a teacher. Were any code of ethics principles violated?

Solution #1
Yes, as a teacher you should not refer to your school while speaking for or against any religion. You do not want the listeners to think you are associating your religion to your job or school.
Solution #2
Yes, as a teacher I make it very clear that I am not allowed to share my political views, religious views, etc. If I was introduced as a teacher, I would ignore the statement and continue on. I would not want any attention brought to me because I was a teacher. I also would remind the group I was speaking for that my views are to be kept confidential when I am in the view as a teacher.