State test administration

Your students are talking with each other about a state test administration given the previous day, and you hear them mention that your colleague who was proctoring the exam gave several students "clues" that assisted them in answering some questions. What would you do?

Solution #1
It would be in your best interest to relay the information to a school administrator. Once you have information such as this, you can be held accountable for not passing on the information to administration. State tests are usually very serious, and the state does not take the rules lightly. Providing students with answers is something that will be dealt with, and considering that the students are already talking about it, it is only a matter of time before this will come to light. It would be better to not become involved with it by not providing this information to the administration. I would also let the colleague know that you overheard this, and for your own sake will have to let administration know.
Solution #2
As serious as state test administration is teachers need to understand it is their ethical responsibility to ensure all testing is administered legally to all students. We sign off on understanding the procedures and expectations each year. Failure to report such information could not only result in a Code of Ethics violation for the teacher who gave the "clues" but also for those who were witnesses or bearers of such information. It should be expected that that information is referred to the on-side Testing Coordinator (be that an Assistant Principal, Counselor, Board member, etc). This can be done confidentially but it should be done. The Testing Coordinator then has the responsibility to investigate and proceed as necessary.
Solution #3
I would immediately pass the information on to my sixth grade assistant principle. She is also in charge of assessment at my school. I would never want the word to come back on me that I knew another teacher was giving clues in order to help her students out. With all of the teachers on the news these days, the last thing I would want if for me to be known for cheating when really I just heard someone was. It is always important to do what is best for yourself and your career.

I agree in that passing the information on is much better than being silent.