District workshop

You have a schedule conflict with a district workshop that gets re-certification credit. It's a topic you already know about. You get another teacher to pick up a report sheet and turn it in even though you don't really attend. Were principles violated?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Principles were definitely violated. You lied and pretended to be somewhere you were not. If there is a conflict in schedule, you should ask the principal what they advise you to do. Maybe there is a make-up session for you to attend. You can also let the principal know that you are aware of the topic and if there is anything else you can do.

I agree with this post. You are a role model for chldren you must set a positive example at all times and be honest. Discuss it with your administration.

Solution #2
This is definitely a violation of principles. Many re-certification credits are based on seat hours and if you are not there whether you completed the work or not you did not complete the seat hours. I always equate this to how I would feel if a student tried this in my class and whether or not they would receive credit even if they were not present.
Solution #3
This scenario is a violation of the Florida Professional Code of Ethics, 5a: The teacher shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings.