It is your third period 7th grade math class. You have just finished the lesson and your students are working either in
pairs or alone – their choice. You notice that Heather is working alone, again. She seems to work for a moment, then daydream out the window, and then return working again. You reflect that Heather's face often looks emotionless or blank and you can't remember if you have
ever seen her smile since school started. However, you have seen her cry before during tests and also at times during individual or
partner seatwork. Other teachers have remarked on seeing similar behavior but to a lesser extent than in your classroom. What is next?
I agree with this solution. Communicating with the student would open up a line for them to discuss any concerns they may be feeling.
I agree. I would try to use some her interest in future assignments, also. Maybe she would be more engaged if she saw that her teacher was putting forth effort.
I agree with your solution.