Every class has one: a "know it all." Well, in class I had a student who thought she was the gift to the classroom and knew absolutely everything about everything. We were doing a pair share activity and she was completely insulting one of the students in her group who didn't really feel like participating. On one hand, the girl was being overly mean, but on the other hand the student wasn't doing what he was supposed to do. I was wondering if I should tell the student to calm down and not worry about the other student, or should I tell the unmotivated student to buck up and do the work? Either choice seems to have its draw backs and I can't really tell both of them to leave each other alone and do the work because then they will both be upset with me and not do the work.
Yes she must know when it is appropriate to shout out answers etc. Maybe rules or procedures would help.
She should still have to follow the rules.
I like your solution. Both students are in the wrong, allowing the one student to do nothing or the other student to be rude is not okay. By talking to both students and then assigning specific work to each one you ensure that everyone is responsible for their own work and know what is expected of them.
Great suggestion. Thanks for adding in your personal experience.