Just doesn't care

There's a student who comes into class and just doesn't care. We try to get him to learn and do work but he says it's pointless. I discovered that this student doesn't have a father and his mother is on every drug imaginable. How can I expect this student to do any work at all or even give a shit about anything we do in school when he has to think about where he's sleeping at night. Everything I can teach him in a classroom means nothing, why should he even care?

Solution #1
The first thing I would do would be to pull him out of class and have a serious talk with him to let him know that I truly care about him, and I will do everything to help him succeed. I will let him know that I can stay with him after school and help him with any thing he needs help with. I will also ask him if everything is going okay at home. If he begins to talk to me about it I will sympathetically listen to him, and tell him that he is a great boy with tons of potential in life. Sometimes by just letting the student know that we as teachers care can make all the difference.

Getting on his level is the first thing to do.

Solution #2
I would refer this student to a counselor. Some times students need to know that you care enough for them that you want them to get help. Also, I would get to know what the student likes and what interest the student. I would really try to get to know that student. I would find a mentor for that student.
Solution #3
For some students realizing that they come to school to escape their home life is a reality. This student needs someone who cares and possibly a counselor. Try to find out what the student likes and have books or projects that are engaging and motivating. Sometimes for kids it's the most simple things. You cannot make their home life go away but you can provide and nurturing and engaging classroom. Find a way to connect and reel the kid in.
Solution #4
I think it would be beneficial for you to have a one on one talk with the student and learn a little bit more about him. After that discussion I would try and relate lessons to him and that would actually benefit him in real life. Since it sounds like he has a rough home life I would provide meaningful incentives for completing his work such as you will buy him a nice lunch such as subway or buy him tickets to go see a movie, something that gives him something to look forward to.
Solution #5
I think it would be a good idea to have a one-on-one talk with the student to let them know that you care and that you're there for them. I would tell the student that they should make education a priority because that's how you can get out of bad situations, through a good education and eventually a career. I would also refer them to a counselor and notify administration of the student's home life so that DCF can get involved.
Solution #6
Try talking to him and maybe he will open up to you. Also I would let a guidance counselor know, the family issue can be a really big problem.
Solution #7
What I would do is form a personal connection with the student. Find out exactly whats the problem and try and find him help. By not having a father and his mother drugged out this student has no foundation and school isn't even a priority for him. I would take initiative and try and find him a stronger support system.