Play the class clown

You're teaching a freshman health class and you're a quarter way through your first semester. You have just recently mastered all your students names, but you are still getting to know who they are and their personalities. Your unit has shifted from healthy relationships to abusive relationships. You've got one student who in particular usually is pretty well- behaved but during this unit starts to act out and play the class clown. One day, while you were covering sexual abuse he makes a comment that makes you believe he could have been abused. What do you do? How would you respond to the students comment? Would you take them aside after class and talk to him even if your relationship with the student is still not matured? What are your responsibilities / actions as a teacher in this situation?

Solution #1
This one is as simple as it comes. If you suspect that there is any type of abuse going on with a student, as a mandated reporter, you must report anything you find out of the norm to the appropriated person within the school. Once you have reported this it is no longer your responsibility. Of course you should follow up with the school nurse or whom ever to find out what progress has been made.

It is your responsibility to report anything suspicious.

I agree with this solution.

Solution #2
You HAVE to take all accusations as abuse as serious. I would maybe consider consulting with your administration before making the call, but ultimately it is your legal duty to report the charges.
Solution #3
This is a serious problem. The first thing I would do is let the school counselor know that way you are covering yourself from any legal actions that may happen. Second, if you feel you have a pretty decent relationship with the student, I would talk to them after class. Ask them if there is something going on because they have never acted this way before. I would definitely try to build a relationship with this student, so that they can confide in you in the future.
Solution #4
As was previously stated, the most important thing is that, as a mandated reporter, a teacher must report any suspected abuse. Besides that, the teacher could mention in class that if there is anything the students want to talk about, they are available for discussion before or after class. If something more came up, the teacher would absolutely have to report to child services.

I agree with this solution.