My practicum class

It was during the last week of my practicum class and I had observed a student throwing a chair in the cafeteria as well as many other teachers that had seen this. I wasn't sure that if I should approach the student or let a teacher take care of it. I looked up and saw a teacher walking towards the student. Before the teacher got to the student, the lunch bell rang and he headed for the door and left the cafeteria. I then saw the teacher go after the student.

I started to walk back to my classroom and when I got to the top of the stairs, I saw the student and the teacher talking. The teacher told the student that he needed to go see the principal and that she would go with him. He was outraged and started to swear at the teacher. At this point I started to walk over to them because the teacher was a little lady. He then took off down the stairs before I made it to them. I asked her if she needed help and she said she was fine. I then watched them go to the principal''s office.

In this situation what do you do as a practicum student?
In this situation, what do you do as a teacher if you were in the exact same situation?

Solution #1
I believe as a practicum teacher, you did the right thing. By letting the other teacher handle it. However, if there wasn't a teacher there then as an adult (teacher) in the school building you could have also approached the student. You also did well by going to assist the teacher later in the hallway. As a teacher, I would have went to talk to the student and required him or her to go to the principals office. If there was any issues of not going when told to do so, I would ask someone nearby to get the principal or someone else in administration to come and assist the situation. I would also write the student up for his conduct in the cafeteria and running away.

This was a helpful solution.

I agree with your insight.

Solution #2
In this situation what do you do as a practicum student? As a practicum student I would first allow an employed person handle the situation. If the person needed assistance, I would be more than happy to assist in the situation. Although, since I have interned and completed a practicum before I do know to ask the school their policies and procedures for such instances. Most schools that I have been at are open to a preservice teacher reprimanding, but only with another employed teacher assisting. In this situation, what do you do as a teacher if you were in the exact same situation? I would have done exactly what the little lady did and had you assist with me.
Solution #3
I think in this situation as a practicum student you did the right thing asking the teacher if she needed any help and i would have done the same thing. As a teacher in the situation I would have offered my help to another teacher as well, you never know if the student has issues or not and if they would harm the teacher.
Solution #4
As a practicum teacher I would keep my eyes open and be aware of the situation. The safety of the other students and faculty should always be the first priority. By asking the teacher if she needed help, you were doing the right thing because you would not want to interfere if it is not welcomed. As a teacher, I would be sure that the rest of my class was attended to before I took off after another student. It is always important to call for back up, like the behavior specialist, and be sure to not trap the student or confine him in a way that will probably cause him to lash out. Also remember what restraints, if any you are certified to do.

I am not really sure what I would have done in that situation. It is hard to say where you could put in your own two sense. It sounds like a dangerous situation, I would have got an administrator asap.