
For the most part, I am extremely impressed with my students this year. They are generally well-behaved and bright. Unfortunately, it is obvious that several of them are pooling their answers on the homework assignments, or worse, copying off the same paper. Any advice?

Solution #1
If you physically see copying I would immediately take the homework from the students and state that they will receive no credit for their homework. I would speak to these students privately and explain that this is not acceptable and that homework serves a purpose of practicing what we have learned. I would also have a whole class discussion on honesty.

I would do the same if I knew the work was being copied.

This is a great strategy.

Solution #2
Obviously that is cheating. You should refresh their memory on the rules about cheating. They should receive a zero for any papers that they cheated on. A lesson on plagiarism and the consequences in society would be in order.
Solution #3
It sounds like the teacher knows exactly what students are doing this, so I would pull each of those students out of lunch or recess and talk to them about it as a group. I would explain to them why copying does not help them as students and what actions will be taken if this happens in the future. Such as doing their homework in detention, they will probably quickly change their minds about copying eachothers work.
Solution #4
I would keep a close eye on their behavior in the early hours before they turn in their homework. If I didn't observe it happening at that time I might call the students parents and ask them to keep an eye out for such behaviors because it might be happen outside of school hours. If that didn't fix the problem I would assign the group of students' different problems so they couldn't copy each other.

I would keep an extra eye open, consider walking around the classroom, or even rearranging the classroom and move desks around. If that does not help, I would then contact the parents and invite them to watch their work and how it is developed.

Solution #5
I would explain that copying each other's work is considered cheating and a lazy way to have the assignments completed. You can stress to the students that you expect them to do their own work unless it is assigned as group work. The students need to know that even though that it is group work, it needs to be their own work and not copied from another person. If you see that the students are still copying, give consequences and have the students do the work on their own in class or in detention.
Solution #6
I would make a rule that all homework needs to be turned in as soon as they enter the classroom. This will allow less time for students to copy each others work before turning it in.
Solution #7
The first time you see two papers that are exactly the same, make an example to the class. Explain to them that copying is not okay, even on homework and impose a punishment. When they see that you are serious they are more likely to do the work on their own.
Solution #8
I would possibly start being more stricter on homework. If they are copying someone else's work, they are clearly not learning anything. Cheating will not get you far in life and these students need to learn that as soon as possible. You need to be strict with it and cut that out fast. Inform the class that if answers are too similar to other students' work that they will get no credit.
Solution #9
For copying off of each others papers during class I could arrange my class in rows and explain to the students the reason the class is arranged in this manner is to keep the integrity of the classwork. For homework assignments I will remind students that the homework is designed to help them gain a better understanding of the work.
Solution #10
Let students know that there are consequences that they will have to face when they copy. Remind them that homework is to be done at home. Encourage them to do the work on their own so they could get an better understanding an most of all so they won't get into any trouble.
Solution #11
I would set-up my classroom in a way that they could not copy each other's work. For homework assignments I would explain general rules about how copying is breaking a school procedure and I would try to give out three different types of assignments for homework and see if this helps the problem.
Solution #12
It may be more time consuming or difficult to do, but you could try giving different assignments or forms of the homework. For example, make 5 different worksheets with different questions on them in different orders and pass them out randomly. Kind of like what is done with tests to try and prevent cheating within the classroom. This may deter them or at least make it more difficult to cheat.
Solution #13
Let the students know that you know there is a problem with their homework assignments. Tell the students that each time you see this, they will get a zero on the assignment for copying. The first time you see another example of them cheating, give them the zero to show that you are serious about the situation.
Solution #14
Teach a lesson on plagerism//cheating and how it is important not to do it. Emphasizing that it is stealing someone else's work.

I agree, students will copy both inside and outside the classroom. I gave out a vocab text the other day and students were cheating right in front of my eyes.

Solution #15
Warn them and if it happens again they must get "Fs" on papers and referrals as well. Cheating is very serious and shouldn't be handled lightly.
Solution #16
I would say to monitor the work closely and if you get the chance to whiteness cheating first hand then you are able to do something about it right then and there. If not maybe pull those students aside and let them know that their work looks a look like one another students and that should be their warning.
Solution #17
Give differentiated homework. The students can practice the same skills, but in different ways. Maybe if they don't have the same homework assignment, they'll stop copying.