In a school district beginning a gifted and talented program, a teacher must choose four students to recommend for the program from her class, but she has five potential candidates. The parent of one of the students has threatened her if she does not recommend his daughter.
How should she respond?
I would contact my administrator and inform them of the threat.I would not take threats from anyone lightly nor would I try to handle something alone. There needs to be witnesses especially if things escalate.
I would notify my supervisors of the threats. I agree that judgement toward the student should not be clouded and the parent should be disregarded.
I agree that an administrator does need to be involved in this situation.
I also agree that you should be contacting an administrator.
I agree with contacting an administrator.
I agree. Schools receive funding for providing gifted services, so I would think most would be amenable to adding a fifth viable candidate.
I agree with the solution. However, it is still not acceptable for a parent to threaten a teacher.
Informing the resource officer is a great point!