Effective feedback

Marcie,a Spanish student, is learning to speak fluent Spanish. The Spanish teacher, Mrs. Garcia, observes Marcie and comments, "Your 'g' sounds need some work; your 'g' sounds are the same for words like 'amigo' and 'guerra'." With these comments, Mrs. Garcia has provided feedback to Marcie on her performance by giving specific and clear information.
Is this feedback effective? What kinds of feedback do you think Marcie needs to better herself?

Solution #1
While the feedback provided for Marcie was specific and useful, it was not very productive. When learning fluency of another language it is imperative that an adequate vocabulary has been established as well as conjugation of the foreign words. Instead of focusing simply on letter pronunciation, the teacher should focus on the level of vocabulary that Marcie is using in her speech.
Solution #2
This feedback is effective. Mrs. Garcia told the students her deficiency and gave an example. From here, I do suggest the teacher give more examples on words that have the sound that needs improvement. I would also try to find an instructive video that focuses on the deficiency to aid in the growth of the student.
Solution #3
Clear and immediate feedback is very beneficial, however,the teacher could offer more instruction to go along with the feedback. Spanish students that are learning English need very specific feedback and extra instruction.

I think a little more background knowledge on the feedback should be used. Fluency will not be learned through little hints and suggestions.