Assessment is the teacher's job!

Some pupils have strong views about the teacher's "job" and their own role. They say things along the lines of:
"In English, we have partners that you swap books with and assess each other. The teacher then takes them in. I don't like that and I feel like the teacher should do it."
"We sometimes assess our own work in Science - it's a waste of time."

What would you do in these kinds of situations to get the students to not be as dependent on the teacher for their learning?

Solution #1
Teachers have to start at the beginning of the year to set an environment of self assessment and peer assessment. I think that students do not "feel" qualified to grade another student or their own work. Giving them the instructions and rubrics to use while evaluating others works helps to alleviate their concerns. We then have to explain how to use their self-assessment to improve their scores and knowledge based.
Solution #2
The first thing teachers should do is to model how to assess the work. We need to teach our students how to properly self-assess and assess their peers if we are to expect them to do it in class. Also, attaching a grade to not only the assessment, but also the assessing will provide motivation for the students to do it correctly.
Solution #3
I would try to come up with a goals chart for each student. I would engage them in their own learning and setting of goals to be successful. Students should be interested and involved in setting goals and self-assessing!
Solution #4
I would link this type of assessment to real world situations. There will be times as an adult that you have to evaluate co-workers or bosses. You will have to determine your own level of understanding during job training in order to insure you do the work correctly. When we give real world examples, students tend to understand better why we are requiring them to do something in the classroom.