What's the deal with homework?

First of all, I'm not a student whining about too much homework. I am a parent who has lost touch with his child because of the amount of time he is spending on homework every night. He is a very good student, takes all Pre-AP classes, but sometimes I wonder if it is all worth it. It seems he has very little time to enjoy himself after school. He is sometimes up until midnight tackling assignments, often falling asleep at the table. Due to lack of sleep, he's often exhausted when he gets home, and the cycle repeats itself. By the end of the week, he's pretty much shot. We can hardly plan any family weekends because of the amount of work that has to be completed. When we succeed in getting away for a couple days, there is constant sense of dread about getting back home in time to start on it. It just seems like the fun part of being a kid has been sucked out of him. I don't remember having this much homework when I was growing up, and I did very well in college and have had a very successful career. In addition to the impact on our family life, my wife and I are starting to worry about the long-term effects on his health.
What do you suggest we should do?

Solution #1
I suggest you have a conference with his teachers to discuss the amount of work that is being given. It sounds like your child has NO childhood at all. Yes, we must prepare our youth to be successful members of society, but a child is only a child for so long. He will be grown up one day and real life of working full time will set it. I think as a parent you need to find a way to allow him to enjoy what he has left of being a kid.

I think a conference is a good idea. I know it is important to get homework done, but as you stated, it is also important that the student is able to enjoy his childhood, because that is time that he will never be able to get back.

Excellent suggestion!

Solution #2
The parent may speak with the teacher about developing a better schedule or either allowing more time for the homework to be completed. If the teacher assigned the homework for the week or month ahead of time the student/parent may be able to plan their time better to allow for the student to have more free time each day. This may also allow the student to have specified days in which he relaxes and works on completing the homework on other days.

This is a helpful solution. Time management is one the best lessons for any student to learn. Hard work is necessary to succeed, but rest and relaxation is also important.

Excellent suggestion!

Solution #3
As previously stated, a conference with his teacher would be a great idea. Also, if your child is unable to be a kid, ask him if he feels like all of this extra work is worth his time! He may feel the pressure to be in these classes, but really he would like to live a little!
Solution #4
In addition to all of the previously mentioned solutions, if the student wishes to remain in those classes, I would suggest study groups for students in the same classes. This way the student gets some social interaction, even if they are working on homework!