After a unit on the circulatory system, Mr. Williams asks students to complete a written test. He notices that almost all of the students miss a few certain questions. What should he do to ensure that his students fully grasp these concepts?
Solution #1
Joined on Oct 2014
101 points
Mr. Williams should step back and reteach. Since it was most of the students, he could do small groups with the students that do understand the concept being "Visiting Professor" and allow them to meet with small groups to review the circulatory system. A visiting professor will work one on one in the group to make sure they all understand the concept. The teacher could also monitor a small group of the ones that missed more than one area on the test. Or the teacher could circulate around the room and check on the "visiting professor" to make sure they are correct. mr. Williams should also make sure to present the material for all the different learning styles.
Solution #2
Joined on Oct 2014
95 points
He should encourage feedback on this assessment from his students mainly over the questions that the students missed as a whole. Students should be given an opportunity to explain reasons for answering the questions incorrectly, pointing out potentially misleading words, and discussing possible misconceptions. Students should also be encouraged to defend their answers for the questions that the majority of the class missed. Another strategy would be to interview the students individually on how to improve the assessment for future use. The feedback taken from this tool could inform future assessment and instruction. An example of a positive reinforcement to gain assessment feedback would be giving extra points on the assessment with every valid justification for incorrect responses.
Solution #3
Joined on Oct 2014
102 points
Depending on how many questions most of the students got wrong, Mr. Williams could allow the students to form groups four or five students, and assign each group a number to the questions that most of them got wrong. Within their groups they should provide enrichment to the class for their particular question number. The students can peer tutor, while self-learning because they must know the content before they are able to teach it to the rest of the class.
Solution #4
Joined on Oct 2019
300 points
Mr. Williams should determine the cause behind students missing the question. It is likely that his questions were worded poorly or that he did not cover the topic as in-depthly as needed. Finding this information will allow him to create a plan on how to address the issue.
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