Art Class

Mr. Mercer is an elementary art teacher who is unobtrusively assessing his students while they make origami holiday ornaments. He notices that while students seem to be doing well constructing the ornaments from precut pieces of paper, they are having a hard time cutting any pieces on their own. He realizes that while he went over in detail the processes of folding and constructing the ornaments, he did so with paper he had prepared by precutting. What should he do to make the process easier for the students?

Solution #1
Mr. Mercer should evaluate his instruction. He should first teach students using pre-cut but he also needs to add doing this from scratch. We can not just assume students will get a concept without instruction. After students have been taught to do this without having pre cut pieces of paper students should master this skill.

I agree that the teacher failed to evaluate his lesson plan before administering it.

I agree, as a teacher I would reevaluate my lesson and see if I can simplify it a little more in order to make them successful.

I agree with this case study. I will utilize this information once I become a teacher. I enjoyed reading this idea.

Solution #2
Mr. Mercer should stop the students where they are at in the process. He should then demonstrate making origami with a piece of paper that needs to be cut first. He should demonstrate the cutting process several times and let students practice on several pieces of paper while he is demonstrating. Once he sees that all students have mastered cutting the paper before construction, he can move on with the lesson and let them continue with their artwork as he continues to move around the room and assess student performance.
Solution #3
Mr. Mercer could pause the lesson to model how to cut the paper or possibly teach it in the next art class and allow students to complete their current work. He could also work withe the classroom teacher to give students the opportunity to practice cutting paper in the classroom and then addressing directly it in the next art class.