For each unit test, I allow a retake. I student must see me for tutoring (or their own tutor) prior to retaking the unit test. I have had a few students take advantage of the retake and allowing them to boost their average quite a bit. However, I still have a handful of students who scored very low on their unit test who have not come for tutoring, shown any interest in retaking the unit test and have scored very low in math the past few years in middle school (looking on SLDS). I thought maybe contacting parents and making them aware of their child's low average in math would help them encourage the student at home. So far, nothing. What should I do from here. I hate to let it slide and it come down to the end of the semester and it be too late for them to do anything?
It sounds like your students are having problems connecting to the curriculum. It may help to have students take ownership of the curriculum by having them develop learning objectives for each unit. This should help increase student motivation. Accounting for cultural diversity by teaching material that connects to a variety of cultural backgrounds could also help students engage in the material.