Guitar Class

Ms. Berezo teaches a guitar class for 130 minutes every other day. While this class is listed as a beginning course and as an elective taken by choice, all levels of student are enrolled. This includes advanced and expert level students, far beyond Ms. Berezo's ability and students who were forced to take the course as a "dumping ground" for administration. How can Ms. Berezo assess a class by the GASPC standards when some students are way above (HLL) and some don't even have a guitar to use... Should this be included in her TKES evaluation when she didn't even know she would be teaching it when she was hired here to assist with the band program?

Solution #1
In regards to various levels, all students could receive a lesson from Ms. Berezo that describes the lesson focus for the day. Afterwards, the students could be grouped with a mixture of levels, and practice skills to work on as a group. During this time, Ms. Berezo could walk around and assess all students based on the standard being learned. Based on her observation notes, Ms. Berezo could then pull students who are needing guided practice in guitar, to ensure they are learning the taught lesson material. This small group practice would help reinforce skills and promote a positive environment for the students who had to take it. Groups could be personalized by an interest inventory to spark a learning interest. In a period of 130 minutes, this would give time for teaching, practice, and group closing. As far as TKES, if she is teaching a guitar class, and giving lessons, that would fall in line with standards evaluation and classroom management.

This is what I was going to suggest. She teach to the standards because that is required of her and even though the students may be advance they might not have the content that goes with the actual playing. Also, I agree she should group them according to developmental levels with playing the guitar and allow them to intertwine with peer learning for the beginners.

Solution #2
When she receives her TKES evaluation, she needs to add in the comments of the evaluation, why things are done the way they are in the classroom. She can still cover the standards with all students, allowing the HLL an opportunity to maybe compose some work instead of simply performing the standards. Allow them to go deeper with the tasks at hand.