Students involved with interview process

As a high-profile educator, I have had students on all interviews that I have partaken in. How would this change your approach to the interview and the answers you provide? Do you think this is a good practice? Why or why not?

Solution #1
I have never heard of students being involved in interviews. My approach to the interview would be the same. Although educators will be working with students I do not believe that this is a good practice. I believe that the interviews should be conducted in a professional manner. If I were applying for a job at retail store, they would not pull random customers in for the interview. They would ask about scenarios, review references, and complete other activities to ensure that the candidate is qualified. Also, most places have a window of time to dismiss employees without penalty if they realize that the employee is not in a suitable position.

that is a great idea

Solution #2
I think this completely depends on the age of your students, but I have never heard of students being in an interview. This would absolutely change the way the interview goes. Students do not have the theoretical knowledge that the administrators have, nor do they know the direction the system and/or school may be heading. I think it does have its upside, in that you are able to see how a teacher interacts with students, particularly ones from your school.
Solution #3
I have not heard of students being involved in the interview process, however I have witnessed teachers doing mock lessons with students as part of the interview process. I think this is a good practice because it shows the interviewer how the teacher candidate interacts with students and how students respond to the teacher candidate.
Solution #4
Having students on the interview panel would change they approach to the interview. Students would not be aware of the technical teaching standards that administrators would be familiar with. They would focus more on the way the potential teacher runs the class and their expectations of students. I personally do not think that this is a good idea. Students could be involved by submitting possible classroom scenarios that the interview panel could incorporate in the interview process.
Solution #5
Involving students in the interview process is one that I am not too familiar with, but I could see the benefits in involving them in this process. The students are who teaching and learning is centered, so it's only right for them to have some form of input in who they think would be the best candidate to go through this experience with. Insight and honest feedback from the students can really help one to better understanding what it is that needs want and how to better serve them. This process can also foster a healthy student and teacher relationship.