Healthcare Assessment

A high school healthcare teacher is giving an assessment on CPR. Part of her program is to certify students in CPR. Students must show they are able to perform CPR on a manikin in order to pass the assessment. The teacher is confused however on how to fairly and accurately assess if students are correctly performing CPR without interrupting the student in the process. How can she accurately and fairly assess these students without interrupting students and making them explain the entire process?

Solution #1
I believe CPR, despite being able to achieve a "percentage correct" score, should be pass/fail situation. Mastery is all or nothing on something that is as important as life and death. If teacher is uncomfortable, allowing an EMT to complete the unit and assessment (certification) is completely acceptable.
Solution #2
The high school healthcare teacher should think about all of the steps involved in the process and develop a rubric. While the demonstration is proceeding, the teacher should fill out the rubric. After the demonstration is over, the teacher should consult with the student about what they need to improve on and/or their accomplishments.