Writing Across the Curriculum

A high school implemented a school-wide goal this school year to include a writing assessment in every course within every unit of study. A construction teacher is frustrated because he does not understand how to implement this goal within his classroom. Most of the learning in his class happens through hands-on labs where students are building things. How can this teacher successfully implement meaningful writing within his curriculum that the students will take seriously?

Solution #1
Writing can and should be encouraged in all classrooms. I know at my school even the PE department requires the students to write. The construction teacher could offer a writing option of comparing and contrasting different construction methods. He could also have his students write an expository essay on how to create a project--that would be a great step by step paper. The teacher could also use these step by step instructions for other classes to use. If you make it interesting and relating to what they are doing in class, the students will be engaged. When they see their papers being used, it will give them a sense of pride.
Solution #2
He could easily incorporate partner work where one student writes down what the other student does (step by step). They could swap papers and have other students only perform the steps written down. This can demonstrate how important details are and encourage better writing.
Solution #3
He could present them with a hypothetical problem or situation and ask the students to write how they would solve it. They could describe the steps of construction that would be needed.
Solution #4
A effective strategy for this teacher could be descriptive writing. Having students detail how to compete a task is both academically rigorous and relevant to this type of class. Writing predictions could also be a helpful tool for a construction class
Solution #5
Writing across the curriculum does not mean it has to be a detailed paper each time.I would suggest having students write down things that interest them during the construction class, steps they may have to take to complete something, etc.
Solution #6
the teacher can have students write out what the steps are to complete this workshop successfully.