Tutoring a child after school tomorrow and his mother reports that he is often afraid to ask for help in the classroom. She said she has tried encouraging him to ask for help but has been unsuccessful. Does anyone have any good strategies to use so that he may be more comfortable in his classes to ask for help?
This is a great idea, I would do this with my class.
This could be used for a ticket out the door activity. In using it this way, all students would be doing it, and no one would feel singled out. Also, it could be helpful during dismissal time.
I like that you suggest that students write notes. I have my students write journal entries to let me know when they are struggling. I can use these to help me plan instruction.
I really like this idea because a lot of kids are shy to ask questions in front of their friends.
I like your idea of writing notes, more or so the non verbal communication. If this student is being tutored by you, then having that note can lead you to where you should focus on.
I do agree that all students need to have their questions answered but I believe they need to verbalize their question. As a teacher I would walk over to the students desk and have the student verbalize their question. I would provide the student with a color card for their desk. Green if they are working and red if they are stuck and need help.
I like having the cue cards available for when the student feels stuck. This might be a good ice breaker for the student until they become more comfortable.
I agree with this solution. I was a shy student because of fear of getting laughed at if I asked a question. This would allow the student to be comfortable by having the teacher come to them.
Great solution.
I like this idea, but it can also cause unnecessary talk while trying to teach the class.