Word Problems

Word problems seem to be a source of many students failing grades and frustrations. I try to incorporate the word problem strategy "CUBES" into my classroom. This seems to help students. However, so many teachers just tell me to not incorporate word problems into assessments. However, I feel that is doing my students an injustice since so many state and nation wide assessments incorporate word problems. How else can I engage my students with word problems, especially those who have trouble reading?

Solution #1
Megan, First, you need to determine the validity of your assessments. Is it a math concept they don't understand, or simply a reading comprehension issue? Once determining that the assessment is invalid (since they get the math, just not the verbiage) you need to create application problems that students can relate to. Applying these problems to things like farming, fishing, basketball, sports, etc. will allow students to find it easier to break down the problem and find the "math" underneath it all. A consistence process for each Application Problem will help keep students from being confused.

I agree with relating the word problems with somehting the students can personally relate to.

Solution #2
I also struggle with word problems with math in my class. When seeing all the words, it is almost like the students "freeze-up." We have been using small groups to breakdown the word problems looking for key words and what those key words mean in the problem. We write these key words on the unit list. This list (graphic organizer) helps them with classwork and homework. The students pull out this tool and use it without being prompted in class (and hopefully at home).

I agree with this strategy completely! I have always been a student that struggled with word problems in math, and math in general. When I had a teacher show me how to dissect only the necessary information from a problem, I became more successful in finding the answer.

Solution #3
You can try a graphic organizer that asks the students 1. what do i need to find 2. what information will i use 3 how will i use this information and 4. solve the problem. this allows the students the break the problem all the way down.