Forgotten Instrument

Amelia refuses to bring her clarinet to school, despite daily reminders. Parent contact has not improved the situation. What are some ways to motivate Amelia to bring her clarinet? If those do not work, what are so ways to assess that knowledge is being learned? Should Amelia receive zeros for non-participation?

Solution #1
I would suggest positive reinforcement. Offer something that she wants in return for her doing what she is supposed to do (bringing her clarinet to school). Give her something to do during class that is relatively boring for her, but will still enhance music for her. Maybe reading music. This should motivate her to bring her clarinet when she sees her friends playing their instruments and she is doing book work.
Solution #2
The best way to improve this situation with Amelia is by not giving her zeros for not having her clarinet. I would have Amelia write during clarinet practice the benefits of having a clarinet at school, and what she can learn from playing it. I would always also try to come up with some type of positive reinforcements such as tickets or free passes to something she likes to do. Maybe this will motivate her to bring in the clarinet to school instead of offering a negative reinforcement of giving zeros.
Solution #3
I would come up with a positive reinforcement to get her to being the clarinet to school. This student should complete an alternate assignment during class that she doesn't really care to do. I would not give zeros unless this continues to happen.

Positive enforcement goes a long way. I love that idea. I wouldn't suggest a zero right off the bat, if you do your best and she still does not put forth effort then I would give zeros.

Solution #4
Maybe incentive would be a potential solution to encouraging Amelia to bring her clarinet to school. You could give her exclusive material to learn and practice with you if she would like that more.