Elaborating in writing

In Mrs. Reynolds' 4th grade class she has been teaching the writing process, and the basic structure of how to write an essay. Her class is learning how to read an article, and write an essay that asks them to pull information from the article in their writings. How can Mrs. Reynolds' help her students to find a way to start their essay and use text evidence to support their topic if they do not understand?

Solution #1
I suggest using a document, possibly a graphic organizer, to help students develop the basic structure of a paper. I have also found that modeling is a very useful practice when teaching student how to write in an organized way. Modeling can take up a significant amount of class time, but it is very helpful.
Solution #2
Teaching students to use textual evidence in their writing can sometimes be a daunting task. In order to facilitate student understanding, several strategies can be used. Giving student 'sentence starters' is an effective and helpful task for teaching students how to use textual evidence in their writing. An example would be, "On page ___, it said", "The author wrote", "I know because", or "The graphic showed". This strategy is very useful for the younger writer as it gives them examples without giving them the answer.
Solution #3
Maybe providing them a graphic organizer of main idea and details will help them to organize the information! They can then put all of the information together to form an essay.
Solution #4
She can provide the students with a teacher made graphic organizer that provides enough spaces with the set up to how she would like their writing to be. She could also use a strategy such as UNRAVEL to teach the students how to pull out information from the text where they can easily pull the information from the text. She can provide multiple sentence frames with topic students of how to introduce their writing.