Enrichment for honors

Coach Porter teaches 10th grade Honors World History. His students are very exceptional and academically superior compared to the on-level world history classes. The coach has noticed that he has a high percentage of his class that exceeds on the formal assessment he gives in class. He knows he should use an enrichment activity to help stimulate deeper knowledge within the material, however, he wants to make it enjoyable for the students. He feels that if he gives a complex reading that students will lose interest very quickly. What are some activities or enrichment assessments he could use that they could find enjoyable?

Solution #1
I would incorporate technology as much as possible. Young people are driven by social media so maybe he could use some type of educational social media platform to have discussions over certain parts of complex reading.
Solution #2
Jigsaw activities are a good way to get students involved in teaching each other the content. Coach Porter could also have the students come up with their own games to showcase the knowledge they've learned. I've also seen Highschool students have conversations in class using a twitter like format. It's really fun to see students try to say everything they want to in under x number of characters. (Change up the number for more complex issues. I've also seen History teachers use something called blackout poetry. Step 1: take a passage about a historical event Step 2: Have students box important words Step 3: Blackout the remaining text on the page. Step 4. Share your work with the class in the form of a poetry cafe. :)
Solution #3
An enrichment activity that this teacher could use is a project based assessment. Students with this ability need to apply what they know instead of recall it. I would allow students to complete an independent project to prove learning.