Gifted Students

In a first grade classroom, Mrs. Jones, has 5 gifted students. These students already know everything you put in front of them. How do you challenge them and assess them?

Solution #1
Challenge students with enrichment activities in the classroom. I challenge mine with performance tasks. They can always be made fun. :) Also, for assessments, challenge gifted students with open response questions. Gifted Students like being challenged. They do not have to know they are given extra work.

I love the idea about challenging them with open end responces. Multiple choice would be way too easy for them and the answer to open end questions could be endless.

Solution #2
I would challenge them by allowing them to create their own lesson plan for a 3 days. The lessons plans must include assignments that will be given and how they will be assessed. This will challenge students because they will have to prepare lessons and how they will teach the content. Students will be given class time to work on this assignment. This will also allow students to see how it is being a teacher.
Solution #3
Students that are gifted like to feel that they are in control of their learning. For an enrichment activity, give students a choice with the assignments they can do. Often times, many gifted students like to create something to show their intellect so a poster or PowerPoint presentation is a possible option.
Solution #4
Menu boards - variety in choice for different learning styles and preferences Interdisciplinary performance tasks Variety in book projects Connect content to current events
Solution #5
Mrs. Jones could start an account on Kidblog for everyone in her class. Allow time throughout the day for your gifted students to answer questions on the blog and post to others. You can also have a question wall where students can pose questions and these students can help answer questions by writing answers back to students. Gifted students need to be given work that is meaningful, authentic, and challenging. Allow students to show what they know in different ways. Menu boards are great for show casing different talents. You also need to make sure all students know what to do if they finish an assignment early.
Solution #6
I often ask my gifted students to complete further research and then write about the the topic we are studying. I allow them to do this research on the iPad or computer. This keeps them busy while challenging them at the same time. Brain games and brain teasers are also a fun and excellent way to challenge gifted students.
Solution #7
It is important to do your homework and know your students' history through data. Having data on lexile and state assessments will help you know how to properly enrich the gifted students. There are a lot of resources devoted to helping gifted students. Anything dealing with literacy and primary sources should help challenge these students. In the end, having assessment data will help you properly enrich these students.
Solution #8
Students learn from one another, so one way that I would challenge these students is to allow them to be the "teacher for the day", which gives them a chance to peer mediate differentiated groups within the classroom.