Classroom Motivation

Mr. Jean has some gifted students in his class. These gifted students, however, are not motivated. How can Mr. Jean motivate these gifted learners?

Solution #1
Maybe these gifted students need to be motivated with enrichment practices. Give them a performance tasks, a group project to present to the class, integrate an assignment with another concept they are learning in another class, etc. Sometimes the best way to motivate gifted students is by challenging them. Sometimes it's simply just because they are bored.

Yes, these students need enrichment. Project-bases activities are great assignments that help students move beyond the standard. These projects can incorporate activities from across the curriculum. This will allow the students to use their higher order thinking skills.

I agree that the students need enrichment. Giving them a more hands on and challenging project can give them the necessary motivation to succeed.

Solution #2
Mr. Jean can provide the gifted students with a tic tac toe board of items they can select from to create products based on the standards for each subject area. These items need to have higher order thinking skills and things they can create to show what they know in their own artistic and educational way that shows how they know the skills, concepts, and standards that have been taught.
Solution #3
I would use a technology based project as an enrichment activity for the students. Students usually enjoy using technology.
Solution #4
A possible solution would be to have them be teacher for the day or period. This would involve having them teach the lesson. This would possibly help get them motivated to research, learn, and be ready to present the material that needs to be taught. This would be a good way for gifted learners to get motivated.
Solution #5
The teacher could motivate the students to create a project based learning activity where they learn by doing. In this project they will have to develop some type of finished product that will motivate them to work together to complete a particular task. Then the students can grade each other using a rubric on how well each member played a particular part in the group assignment etc. Conducting this type of activity will surly keep the students well motivated in the classroom.
Solution #6
How about creating a score board for example each day time them how long it takes them to clean up and pack up before the bell. Each day tally the time and on Friday add up all the time and total it and that is how much PAT preferred activity time they have to do whatever task or game or activity that they want to do. This will surely motivate these gifted students to have their own free choice for their pat time.
Solution #7
These students are probably bored. They probably have mastered this content already and they likely need something challenging in order to feel motivated in class. Provide some sort of authentic assessment or something similar in order to feel challenged and motivated.

I would create some sort of game into the lesson plan. I will allow some sort of prizes at the end if students participate in the game. Or possibly allow each student to have a turn being the teacher in order to keep them motivated.