Low perfoming students

Mrs. Mims third grade students have been getting prepared for the end of the year state test all year long. Mrs. Mims has been giving her students extra worksheet practice on all the expected standards they will be tested on for the third grade in reading and math. When she gives her students assessments using two or three passages with multiple choice questions, her students still score poorly on these tests. What can Mrs.Mims do to get her students to better perform on these type of tests?

Solution #1
Mrs. Mims could require her students to validate their answers prior to choosing an answer. This would require students to go back in the passage and find the proof of the correct answer. She may also work on modeling for various strategies that will help the students improve their reading comprehension. Finally, it maybe that these students need some test taking skills. Many students become stressed and don't have the test taking skills needed to be successful on a test. The students many need some strategies on how to take a multiple choice test and how to find the correct answer to the questions.
Solution #2
Mrs. Mims must first identify the problem with the multiple choice questions being asked. If all of the students are performing poorly, perhaps there is a disconnect between the instruction and the assessment. A large issue that many schools face is the vocabulary that is used on the state assessments versus the vocabulary used at home and on worksheets in class. Ensuring that the students have been exposed to the vocabulary and the structure of the questions that are used on state tests will allow for better performance on them.

I agree that is important for all exam study material be similar to what is on the exam.

I like this solution. Vocabulary is important in understanding. I also believe that the questions might be worded too complex, instructions may have not been clear, or instruction taught was not clear. Try different methods. Teaching is all trial and error, then revising.

Solution #3
Instead of Mrs. Mims teaching to prepare the students for the end of the year state test she should just teach the standard content and if the teacher and students are focused on the content than they will either get the information or not. If you are teaching to the standards and the students are not making in gains than the teacher should adjust her instruction.