Translator Issues

Mrs. Benson is a fourth grade teacher who has several students whose parents do not speak English. She has tried several times to contact the translator to help in meeting with these parents to discuss their child's grades. The translator will not communicate with the teacher regarding the students. What can she do to help keep communication flowing from school to home for these Hispanic parents?

Solution #1
Mrs. Benson can send a letter home in spanish asking if there is someone available to attend the meeting that speaks english. She can also find a app that allows her to type in english but translates the message in spanish. By doing this, she may be able to send a folder home with the information regarding the meeting. I would also go to the school translator and to discuss the urgency of speaking with the parents. If this fails, you may need to get someone from administration involved.

I agree with this solution. I have used apps that do this service with parents of Hispanic students in my after care program, and it has been beneficial towards our relationships.

Solution #2
I would always email the translator to begin as a form of communication to get involved with meeting with the family who speaks Hispanic. This allows you as a teacher to have a paper trail of what you have done to communicate with the family. After two email attempts I would go speak with the translator personally and document your conversation with him/her. If the issue is still not resolved I would get their immediate supervisor involved and bring all documentation of how you tried to get the translator involved so that you are covering yourself. This should resolve the situation but if not you could always make a formal complaint to the board of education.
Solution #3
Mrs. Benson should inform administration that the translator is not communicating with her. She can also find an abundance of educational communication resources online or in school-supply stores. These resources have commentary that are written in English, and translated into Spanish. This commentary can be placed on report cards, agendas, and notes home. Also, Mrs. Benson can hold a student-led conference in which the student communicates with parents about classroom information.