Are we to receive monetary gifts from parents? What if a parent gives you $100 just because. What are you suppose to do?
We have all received gifts from parents at some point in the school year; Christmas gifts, Birthday gifts, and teacher appreciation gifts. What is the limit of receiving gifts? Is this a breech in the code of ethics to receive such a gift? What should you do?
I agree with this solution. Accepting money from parents seems wrong. We all know students love giving gifts to teachers to show their appreciation, but I don't feel accepting money is a line that should be crossed.
Yes it does not seem appropriate. I always thought candy, coffee mug, or even gift card. But money seems a bit much.
It is a kind gesture for a parents to offer money, but I agree that money is not an appropriate gift from a parent.
Yes I agree. Does not seem like it is appropriate.
I agree. It definitely depends on the gift.